Development update! Also Freedom Planet!

Aaaaand we’re back!  😀

Apologies for going a whole month without an update, we’ve just been so damn busy! Preparing a demo for expos is hard… We’re going to pick up the pace from now on though, and in the next couple of months a lot of big announcements will be made.

Firstly, at some point this month, we will start doing little video logs on the game’s development. I think it’s always nice to have a recorded diary of how things are progressing, and this way you can all follow us on our journey as we finish this thing.

Secondly, a new trailer of the game is on the way… Finally we will be showing what it is exactly that the game does that makes it special. (At least for us).

Thirdly, our artist, Matt Weekes, worked on this thing called “Freedom Planet”, and it recently got released! It’s kind of like sonic on steroids. Check it out on Steam:


That’s all for now!

– Danny –


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