Good day people! ^-^

Ok… so a bunch of stuff has happened over the last few weeks. We know that we said in the last big update that we’d announce our release date soon, but we were waiting for one last hurdle to jump…
Certification. Which we have just now passed!
We’re going to have a chat amongst ourselves over the next week or so to pinpoint when would be the best time to finally get this game to you guys. Passing certification means that we have the big green release button available to us now, calling to us… We will be providing an update on what Poncho’s date will be very soon.
Comic Con!
For those of you visiting London this weekend, you’ll be the first people to see the PS4 version of the game, available to play at this year’s Comic Con! Get down there and check it out! 😀
We did an interview with Jonathan Holmes!
Last update, we mentioned that we were going to do a live interview on ‘Sup Holmes. Now the video is up for all to see! We talk about Earthbound and Fez comparisons, our journey developing the game and just generally awesome geek banter. CHEEEEEEECKITOOOOUT!
Soundtrack preview!
Poncho’s soundtrack will be available via many outlets on release, including Steam! Check out this latest track preview from the game, this is what you’ll hear while exploring the secret caves in the world of Poncho!
What now?
We’re truly gearing up for release now, here’s a list of all the awesome things to look forward to in the near future!
- Poncho gets released! <- This is probably the best thing on this list.
- 3 new trailers are coming your way!
- We will be holding a live AMA via Reddit, Facebook, Twitch etc, for you to ask us anything you like!
- After release, the developers will be recording a live playthrough of the game, complete with dev commentary!
- Competitions! Maybe with a few copies of the game up for grabs…
- A Dev update where Danny gives some tips on how to best use Sprites in Unity! Also an insight into how Poncho was made!
- More Dev diary videos! All future updates will have developers giving you all the news on Poncho and how weird we feel about finally releasing via our actual talking faces! Just like when we were running our Kickstarter!
In closing…
Well this is it. We’re actually starting to feel super anxious about it all now, those reviews are on the way, and soon we’ll be able to see what the world thinks of our little poncho wearing robot… Look forward to a new big update in a week or so! ^-^
– All of us at Delve Interactive (Danny, Jack & Matt)